View Profile goatasaur

45 Movie Reviews

6 w/ Responses

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Good and bad...

I like what you're doing, don't get me wrong. I saw your first Madness tribute, and this one is decent too. Your animation does lack a little of the smoothness and nuance of the originals, though.

Why not try doing your own thing? You are definitely talented enough to make less derivative work than this.

Not bad...

...especially for your second flash movie. Very stylish, unique look. Good choice of music.

Magwai responds:

well thanks!

A nice homage.

You even put an easter egg in it!

You (if it was you) do a pretty passable impersonation of Strong Bad, but the actual quality of the sound was kinda low, I noticed a lot of static.

Otherwise, a very funny entry. Keep it up!

A nitpick.

Loved it, but one problem.

Lightsabers do not draw blood. Due to the intense heat of the blade, any wounds caused by a lightsaber are instantly cauterized.

I feel such a fucking nerd.


This looks more professional than some of the animation that's on TV now.

And so what if they died? If there's another episode the ball can explode at the end of that one too, a la Aeon Flux or Sealab.


You squeezed a lot of plot in there without any spoken words.

The story sort of reminds me of Plato's "cave" allegory, if you are familiar with it. I'm not going to bother with retelling it here because it's likely nobody cares.

I would like to know from the author if that has any roots in what this or what the message of this animation was.

Quite nice!

Sprite animation is indeed difficult... it's nice that you realize how hard it is, but made sure it looked good. There was a slight problem near the outlines of your sprites, but nothing that detracted from the look of your movie.

I laughed a few times, which is more than can be said for a majority of the movies on NG.


I wish my teachers had let me do something like this when I was in school. I spent all my time behind a keyboard anyway, so I guess I showed them!

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